
This past week has been an AMAZING week for me as an author!




First, on Thursday (July 11), I released Take Some Tahini. Releasing a book is a major accomplishment, and I’m proud of myself for getting this one out there.



Also on Thursday, I was notified that Fill the Empty Spaces was a winner in the Paranormal category of the Regal Summit Book Awards! Fill the Empty Spaces is not like my typical books and doesn’t get the love I’d like it to get, especially since I donate 25% of the royalties from that book to the cat cafe where I volunteer and I would love to give the cafe more money, so having it recognized like this makes me very happy.



On Friday, I got a 4.75 star (out of 5) review for Take Some Tahini from Camille at Joyfully Jay! As I’ve blogged previously, I was a little nervous about how readers and reviewers would react to Take Some Tahini… but this was one of the best reviews any of my books have gotten, including the books that were published between 2009-2016!

And finally, also on Friday, I finished the first round of edits on Ebb and Flow, the book I’ll be releasing in October. And I was sad when I finished… I didn’t want to leave Quinn and Malachi’s story just yet. I think that’s a good sign…

How was your week?