Editing and such

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been trying to work on editing Bring On the Broccoli (Real Werewolves Don’t Eat Meat 7). Working on it has been a bit complicated by the fact that I’ve been sick for the past two or three weeks.

At the end of August, I started a new job at a local daycare, which has been absolutely wonderful. I love the job, the kids are incredible, and my coworkers are amazing. But… it’s a daycare. With kids ages 5 months to 5 years. Kids who get sick and don’t know how to, or forget to, cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze. Which means I caught a cold. And then another one. And the second one morphed into full-blown pneumonia. Which is making it really hard to concentrate on things like editing.

Recognizing that I was getting worse, I was smart enough to go to urgent care yesterday after work, and my boss let me leave early so I could go. I’m on antibiotics now, out of work until Tuesday at the earliest, and last night I slept for about 11 hours. Hopefully I’ll kick this to the curb… and hopefully this will be the worst illness I deal with from this job. (I’d love it if it was the LAST illness I had to deal with, but I’m well aware of how unrealistic that is when I’m working at a daycare.)

Meanwhile, I’m making slow but steady progress on the Bring On the Broccoli edits, I’ve got Ebb and Flow ready for its October 10 release, and I’m taking it easy. And my “nurse cat” is taking good care of me.