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Fill the Empty Spaces

Austin and Del were the love of each other’s life for two decades…until a drunk driver ended Austin’s. Now Del struggles to get through each day without his partner. A month after Austin’s death, Del has yet to return to work and has pushed away most of his friends. Only Remy, Austin’s best friend and drag sister, has stuck with Del through their grief. Del knows Austin would want him to go on living, but how can he when Austin is gone?

In an effort to get Del back into the realm of the living, Remy books an afternoon at a local cat cafe. A visit which changes Del’s existence. He bonds with Charlie, a senior cat with health issues who wears sweaters to cover his lost fur, and with Lochlan, a human who volunteers at the cafe. On impulse, Del signs up to volunteer there too. And with the friendship of Lochlan, Charlie, and the rest of the resident cats, Del begins to live again.

As Del and Lochlan’s friendship deepens, Lochlan admits one of his deepest secrets: He is a psychopomp, a human who guides spirits to the “crossing point” at the time of their death. In his need to understand Austin’s death, Del interrogates Lochlan, and Lochlan turns away from him. During the weeks of no contact, Del emerges more into life, and realizes, in Lochlan’s absence, that he is falling for Lochlan. When they finally reconnect, the sparks are there, but only a few months after Austin’s death, can Del let himself love again?

This book has a main character who has lost his life partner and depicts his grieving process. It includes discussions of child abuse and child death, suicide, and homophobia and transphobia. But it also includes an adorable cat who wears sweaters.

Available on Amazon in Kindle and paperback.

The review listed below was done for the 2023 edition of this book. No changes were made to the content of the story for the 2024 reissue.

Jay Mountney of Paranormal Romance Guild gives Fill the Empty Spaces 5 stars and says, “The book is well written and at times it tugs at the heartstrings but there is always hope in the offing.”




Hooch and Howls

In the decade since being changed into a werewolf in 1920, Malachi has become used to being alone. But the appearance of bootleggers Jonathan and Roger on the beach below Malachi’s cottage shows Malachi what he’s been missing. He wants these men in his life, but he can’t ask them to stay.

The following day, Roger returns seeking Malachi’s help in rescuing Jonathan from the rum-runners who are holding him hostage. Can Malachi help the men while protecting his own heart?

This book includes a scene in which the main character spies, without consent, on two people having sex. It also contains references to past sexual assault and underage male prostitution.

Ulysses of QueeRomance Ink/Paranormal Romance Guild gives Hooch and Howls 4 stars and says, “The narrative style is awkward, but so tenderhearted as to make the reader embrace the narrator’s awkwardness.”

Available in digital formats from your favorite retailer




Snow on Christmas Eve

For the first time in his life, Tag won’t be spending Christmas with his close-knit family. Rejected by them after he announced he was moving in with a man, Tag has had no contact with his parents or brothers. And his Christmas spirit has taken a major hit, much to the dismay of his partner Darion.

On Christmas Eve, a light snowstorm leads to Darion’s assertion that Christmas Eve snow is magical and wishes made in it will come true. Taken in by Darion’s childlike belief in magic, despite his own skepticism, Tag wishes he could have his family back.

But magic doesn’t exist, and wishes don’t come true… or do they?

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