Long week…

I didn’t do a post last week because I was in the middle of doing multiple other things. Good things, but things that really required a lot of brain power.

First, I got a new car. New to me, that is. (It’s actually nearly 10 years old.) This was vital, since my previous car needed nearly $10,000 worth of work to keep it on the road, and at least $4000 just to pass my state’s vehicle inspection. I’ve gotten theĀ  new car registered and inspected, and so far, so good. I have a tendency to name my cars; this one is named Suzannah, partly after the Boston North Pack healer in the Real Werewolves Don’t Eat Meat series.

Second, I started a new job. I’m working part time as a “float” at a nearby private daycare. A float is a staff member who covers different classrooms while the main teachers take their breaks or if a main teacher is absent for some reason. The work is tiring, especially with my health concerns, but it’s fun. The kids are already starting to know me and ask if they get to have me in their room that day (the ones who can talk, anyway) or act really excited about seeing me (the ones who can’t talk yet).

And, in the actual writing side of my life, I FINISHED Bring On the Broccoli. Finally! This was the rewrite of the book; I had finished it a couple-few months ago, but I was far from happy with that version, so I started over. I’m now doing final-final proofreading of Ebb and Flow in preparation for releasing that book on Oct. 10 (it’s already available for Kindle preorder), and then I’ll be working on edits for Bring On the Broccoli.