Next Release:
Future and Past (Ebb and Flow 2) April 10, 2025.
Being mates a thousand miles apart isn’t easy, but lone wolf Malachi Powers and his mate Quinn Boucher are trying to make it work. When Quinn’s PTSD worsens, his employer, United States Anax Tobias Rogan, sends him to Nova Scotia to rest and be with his mate at the home of the Canadian Anax, Silas Creighton. But the visit is anything but restful, especially when one of Silas’s new employees proves not to be who he claims.
Upcoming Releases:
Sorry about the Seitan (Real Werewolves Don’t Eat Meat 8) July 10, 2025
Christmas has never been Tobias Rogan’s favorite time of year. This year, his efforts to find the Christmas spirit are hampered by a threat to his friend, Alpha Justin Ruel, and the declining mental health of his former foster father and Alpha, Jed Howe. When Jed takes drastic action in the mistaken belief that Justin wants to take over his pack, Tobias knows it’s time for Jed’s rule to come to an end. But how can he end the man he considers a father?
Storm and Shelter (Ebb and Flow 3) October 9, 2025
Quinn Boucher is thrilled to spend Christmas with his mate Malachi Powers. But as Quinn’s flashbacks and nightmares worsen, and his employer, the Anax of the United States, slips into disturbing behavior, Malachi wonders if he can truly support his mate.
Check back for updates!