New Story!

This is going to be a short entry; I’m sick (yet again…the joys of working in childcare, the kids are wonderful but also germ factories) and don’t really have the brain power for a longer entry.

I have a new short story! If you aren’t already subscribed to my newsletter, you can visit my Free Story page to sign up for the link to download Heart and Home, a prequel to Ebb and Flow. After four weeks of captivity and abuse at the hands of a sadistic Beta and his even more sadistic packmate, Quinn Boucher escapes on full moon night and runs across the U.S.-Canada border into North Dakota, where he finds sanctuary with Kinney Logan, the Beta of Prairie Pack. Kinney and the pack take Quinn in with no strings attached… but when it comes to Kinney, Quinn *wants* strings.

Anyone who’s read Ebb and Flow or Take Some Tahini knows Quinn’s backstory. While Heart and Home begins on the night of Quinn’s escape and therefore doesn’t show the abuse on-page, Quinn’s flashbacks and memories are depicted, with as much vagueness as this author could manage. The story could be triggering to those who have experienced sexual violence, so please read cautiously if you choose to read at all.

If you *are* subscribed to my newsletter, please don’t sign up again; I’ll be sending out the link to download the story in the February 13 newsletter.