Grumble Grumble Book Blurb Grumble

I’ve spent the past couple of days struggling to write the blurb (a/k/a book description) for Storm and Shelter, which is book 3 of the Ebb and Flow series. The first draft of the book is complete and I’m working on some rewrites now prior to editing, and I want to put it up for preorder now-ish so I can include the preorder link in book 2 of the series, Future and Past, which releases April 10. In order to put the book up for preorder, I have to have the book description. And those are harder for me to write than the actual books!



(Here’s the Future and Past cover)




I’ve always had trouble with the blurbs. I get stuck in trying to summarize the plot rather than just giving hints to entice readers. The book description isn’t meant to be a summary of the story, and I know this, but it’s really hard for me to figure out what is “too much” summary when I’m writing the things.

Technically I could set up the preorder with just the book’s title, and fill in the blurb later, but then…why would anyone preorder it?

So I’ll keep wrangling with words trying to get this book description the way I need it to be. And meanwhile, I’ve gotten the cover for Storm and Shelter done and will be sharing it first in my newsletter, which I send out on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month. Which means I’ll be sending one this coming week. If you want to subscribe and get in on exclusive excerpts and cover reveals and such, plus get the free novella Heart and Home, an Ebb and Flow prequel, visit my Free Story page.

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