New Story!

This is going to be a short entry; I’m sick (yet again…the joys of working in childcare, the kids are wonderful but also germ factories) and don’t really have the brain power for a longer entry.

I have a new short story! If you aren’t already subscribed to my newsletter, you can visit my Free Story page to sign up for the link to download Heart and Home, a prequel to Ebb and Flow. After four weeks of captivity and abuse at the hands of a sadistic Beta and his even more sadistic packmate, Quinn Boucher escapes on full moon night and runs across the U.S.-Canada border into North Dakota, where he finds sanctuary with Kinney Logan, the Beta of Prairie Pack. Kinney and the pack take Quinn in with no strings attached… but when it comes to Kinney, Quinn *wants* strings.

Anyone who’s read Ebb and Flow or Take Some Tahini knows Quinn’s backstory. While Heart and Home begins on the night of Quinn’s escape and therefore doesn’t show the abuse on-page, Quinn’s flashbacks and memories are depicted, with as much vagueness as this author could manage. The story could be triggering to those who have experienced sexual violence, so please read cautiously if you choose to read at all.

If you *are* subscribed to my newsletter, please don’t sign up again; I’ll be sending out the link to download the story in the February 13 newsletter.

I Released a Book!

Of course, if you follow me, you probably already know that I released Bring on the Broccoli (Real Werewolves Don’t Eat Meat 7) on January 9. I’m very happy at the reception it’s had so far. It received a 4-star review from Joyfully Jay, people are buying it, and I’m really glad to have Kyle Slidell’s point of view back in action given that the last three RWDEM books were from his mate Tobias Rogan’s point of view.

It’s been a long week and I’m really tired, but I’m excited to have released this book. It’s available on Amazon, and book 8, Sorry About the Seitan, which will be released in July, is already up for preorder.

5 Stars!!

I don’t automatically expect my books to get great reviews. Some of that is me being realistic; all books have issues of one kind or another, and not every story is every reader or reviewer’s cup of tea. But some of my lack of expectation of good reviews is due to imposter syndrome: “I suck, my books suck, I screwed up this part, I must have missed something in the edits,” and so on and so forth.

Being an author is hard enough. When anxiety starts telling you you’re a piece of crap and so are your books, it’s even harder.

I released Ebb and Flow on Thursday the 10th. I felt good about the book. When I did the multiple rounds of editing, every time I reached the end of the story, I felt sad that I’d reached the end. I love the main characters, Quinn Boucher and Malachi Powers. But that didn’t mean I completely believed that readers and reviewers would also love it.

As it turned out… they did. Or at least one reviewer did. Linda Tonis of Paranormal Romance Guild gave Ebb and Flow 5 stars! What made me even happier about the review was that the reviewer clearly understood the characters, saying that it’s a “beautiful story” about crafting a new life after trauma and loss, and that Quinn believes he isn’t brave and apologizes for everything, while Malachi recognizes Quinn’s strength and tries to help Quinn see it.

Ebb and Flow isn’t going to be everyone’s cup of tea. There’s an extreme age gap; Quinn is 22, while Malachi is 130. They’re werewolves; werewolves live longer than humans. They’re also fated mates, and whatever “fate” puts mates together apparently doesn’t care about age as long as everyone’s an adult. (In my universe, nearly all werewolves are adults; changing someone who’s under 18 is against werewolf law–with a death penalty imposed on those who violate the restriction. Only two were known to have been changed while they were still under 18; both were changed by a sexual predator, and one of them, Tobias Rogan, killed said predator to keep him from victimizing anyone else.) In addition to the age gap between Quinn and Malachi, they pretty quickly develop a Dominant/submissive dynamic, with Malachi being the dominant partner; that dynamic will appeal to some readers, but others will find it against their tastes, particularly on top of the age gap.

But I know at least one reviewer loved the book, and that feels really good.

Available for Preorder!

A Fighting Chance (Chance Met 2) is now available for Kindle preorder! The book will release on May 9 in Kindle and paperback formats, and will be available through Kindle Unlimited.

This is a sequel to Chance Met, which was released in March 2023. I had hoped to have A Fighting Chance out in March of this year, but chose to spend additional time having it beta read and proofed, and then did some rewrites. But it is ready now, and you can preorder your Kindle copy on Amazon.

Um… Oops… Lost Track of Time…

A few weeks ago, I posted that I would be moving to a new apartment. That was happening in the middle of my husband and me both having and recovering from norovirus, me recovering from minor surgery, and me trying to release and promote Hooch and Howls.

Dang, March was a long month!

We are now mostly settled in our new apartment. I’m still waiting for hubby to purchase the kitchen island/cart/counter/whatever he promised, which he says might happen tomorrow. I also need to buy a new chair or two for the living room, which will happen… um, eventually.

But meanwhile, we’re here. A much quieter, larger, brighter apartment, with pretty much everything that’s here so far in its place. We have our own washer and dryer, which is incredible luxury after almost seven years of sharing two washing machines with 6 other units, and sharing a dryer with two of those other units. I recovered from norovirus only to have a reaction to a new antidepressant I was on (which I’ve since been weaned off), followed by catching a bad cold which, at least, was only a cold.

But on the plus side, in addition to getting through the move, I released Hooch and Howls on schedule, and it’s gotten a 4-star review! I’m feeling much better physically now, and hoping that I’ve gotten all of my illnesses for 2024 out of the way already so I can have a peaceful, healthy remainder of the year. We had a snowstorm on Wednesday and Thursday, but the snow from that has melted.

I hope y’all are doing well. Here’s a picture of part of the living room of the new place:

May be an image of grandfather clock and indoors

I’m Moving!

In three days, I’m moving to a new apartment. This is a good thing; the new place is larger, quieter, and in a much safer area than where I’m currently living.

But it is putting a bit of a cramp in my writing and promoting. Especially since in TWO days, Hooch and Howls officially releases!

I’m looking forward to being in the new apartment and having quiet, sunlit space to write and create. Moving is stressful, but it ultimately ends up being a good thing. I’ll share pictures of the new space once we’re settled a bit!

Meanwhile, Hooch and Howls is available for preorder through various retailers, and will release on Thursday (the 14th) in digital and paperback formats.

Release Week!

Happy July! This week marks the release of the newly revised and updated version of Try the Tofu (Real Werewolves Don’t Eat Meat 4). I’m so glad to bring Tobias’s perspective back to the series; unlike the first three books, Try the Tofu is narrated by Tobias Rogan, the Alpha who is mated to the world’s only(?) gay vegan werewolf. Of course, his mate, Kyle Slidell, still plays a major role, but Try the Tofu and book five of the series, Tempeh for Two, are very much Tobias’s stories as the werewolf world faces a threat from a very unexpected source.

Because we’re in Tobias’s head for this book, in addition to better understanding who he is and why, we get a deeper glimpse into the traumas he’s experienced and the PTSD he lives with. Some parts of this book were difficult to write and may be painful or triggering for readers. Tobias is a strong, powerful Alpha, but that doesn’t mean he’s “gotten over” the traumatic events of his past. He does experience PTSD. He has anger issues. Despite being a werewolf, he is very human.

But he is also arguably the most powerful Alpha in the United States. He’s a compassionate leader and friend, a caring partner, and an advocate for those like him who have lived through trauma and live with its aftermath.

I hope readers enjoy getting to know him on a new level in this book! Try the Tofu is available on Amazon for Kindle preorder and will release Thursday, July 13, in Kindle and paperback formats.

It’s Available!

Try the Tofu is now available for preorder!

This is book 4 of the Real Werewolves Don’t Eat Meat series. Unlike the first three books of the series, this one (and the next two, which will release in January and July 2024 respectively) is from the point of view of Tobias Rogan. Alpha werewolf, trauma survivor, sexually submissive, and the mate of Kyle Slidell, the world’s only(?) gay vegan werewolf. Try the Tofu is much more Tobias’s story than Kyle’s, though of course Kyle still plays a big role.

As Alpha Tobias Rogan and his mate Kyle Slidell prepare to travel to the regional Alpha gathering, Tobias receives a threatening phone call: If he brings his mate to the gathering, Kyle will not return to Boston. But stubborn Kyle, believing the threat is actually against Tobias, refuses to stay home.

Tobias’s foreboding is proven correct when a visiting stranger challenges Zane Wolfskin, Arkhon of the Northeast Region, to a fight for rank–and wins. Tobias and his allies learn that the challenge was part of a larger plan to destroy their region, something Tobias will not allow. To prevent disaster, Tobias must challenge the new Arkhon himself. But can he survive the attempt?

This book was originally published in 2013 by MLR Press. This version has been revised, re-edited, and updated from the original. It includes conflict between mates and reference to a past physical fight between those mates; mention of past murder, abduction, and child abduction; violence between werewolves; references to past abuse and sexual assault; and depictions of PTSD.

Try the Tofu will officially release, for Kindle (including Kindle Unlimited) and in paperback, on July 13. I’ll be doing a blog tour through Other Worlds Ink, and will post the links to the host blogs here on my site as those posts go live. You can preorder your Kindle copy on Amazon now (and I really wish I could figure out a way to do preorders for paperbacks..)

More Release Updates

The best-laid plans and all of that…

I’ve spent the past couple of weeks looking at the plans I’d made for releases and rereleases and realizing a few things.

First… while I do need to plan things somewhat in advance, when I try to plan too far in advance, my brain rebels. It isn’t a choice on my part; it’s like my circuits overload and my brain just crashes. So I’m making plans for releases and rereleases, but only through January 2024. Things will be updated as I go along.

Second, if I insist that I’m going to write (or even rewrite/re-edit) things by a certain time “no matter what,” it sometimes results in the finished product being forced and not up to the quality standards I want to give to my readers. I need to have deadlines, but I also need flexibility, and I need to allow more time than I think I’ll actually require so that I don’t wind up feeling pressured and start short-cutting and half-assing things. I also need to give myself the freedom to say “Nope, this isn’t working, never mind” on any given project.

Third, and somewhat related to the above, the book I was originally planning to rerelease in September is not a book I actually want to rerelease at this time. Aside from needing more work than I anticipated to bring it to the standards I want, I don’t really connect with either of the two main characters. And if I don’t connect with them, readers won’t either. So this book is on the back burner; over time, I might see if I can do the work it needs not only to fix the current issues with it but also to make the characters people I want to get to know better.

And finally, since I’m now not releasing that book in September, I’ve decided to move my new novel Fill the Empty Spaces up by one month. Fill the Empty Spaces was going to be my November release; it will now be released on October 12. Going forward, I will be planning to release (or rerelease) 4 novels per year. This year, the next two releases will be July 13 (Try the Tofu) and Oct. 12; for 2024, I will be releasing books in January, April, July, and October, with the January and July releases being part of the Real Werewolves Don’t Eat Meat series. The books for April and October 2024 are to be determined.

In between times, I may put out some free short stories or low-cost shorts/novellas, depending on what the writing part of my brain decides to do.

My two priorities with writing and self-publishing are to release good-quality, entertaining stories with characters that readers–and I–like and want more of; and to maintain my mental and physical health and well-being. By changing my plans as I’ve done, and allowing space to follow the writing muse from time to time, my hope is to meet both of those priorities.